The Magical Lifestyle

Some thoughts on the Magician's lifestyle. Psychic Pain The Qliphoth have the ability to conceal Light. When the Initiate is brought to the vicinity of The Profane, he will experience fear, loathing, mental pain, and choking. Psychoanalytically, the matter is that of Ego drives. The Profane are oral-fixated or anal-fixated personalities who are conscious through complexes. The complexes in modern psychiatry correspond to what the Hermetics term as Chaos Spirits. Like Spirit possession, a neurotic/pathological character has whole chunks of life that he spends semi-conscious. The Shadow is active and in control. The other property of Spirit possession is strong transference. As the weak ego of the Profane surrenders to the Initiate, he also gains access to the Id of the Initiate. He can direct the libido of the Initiate to his own complex by such intense Unconscious Hatred. This mechanism of shooting away the ego into the psyche of someone else is 'Projection'. The bigger ego...