
Showing posts from June, 2022

The Magical Lifestyle

Some thoughts on the Magician's lifestyle. Psychic Pain The Qliphoth have the ability to conceal Light. When the Initiate is brought to the vicinity of The Profane, he will experience fear, loathing, mental pain, and choking. Psychoanalytically, the matter is that of Ego drives. The Profane are oral-fixated or anal-fixated personalities who are conscious through complexes. The complexes in modern psychiatry correspond to what the Hermetics term as Chaos Spirits. Like Spirit possession, a neurotic/pathological character has whole chunks of life that he spends semi-conscious. The Shadow is active and in control. The other property of Spirit possession is strong transference. As the weak ego of the Profane surrenders to the Initiate, he also gains access to the Id of the Initiate. He can direct the libido of the Initiate to his own complex by such intense Unconscious Hatred. This mechanism of shooting away the ego into the psyche of someone else is 'Projection'. The bigger ego...

The Cup - Entry to the Practicus Grade

Some thoughts on The Cup, magical weapon of the Practicus (3=8). The Tribal Man There is a specific situation in life that is very painful, which is the presence of an individualistic Soul in a tightly knit tribal setting. Initiates from specific regions of the World struggle with this issue more profoundly. In many cultures, there is already an established System that leaves the individual free to design his own life. In more tribal cultures, the meaning of life is defined through the inter-generational trauma. In most tribal cultures of our age, the common script of communal life is already torn apart. Without a rational effort to make progress towards an individualistic culture, these tribal communities cling to fragments of group behavior. With the demise of actual Kings, every individual seeks his own petty kingdom with tyrannical dispositions unchecked. Hence, trauma becomes the only bond that resembles the former community. Old traditions are weaponized and pathologies run rampa...

The Zelator - III

 The series of confessions and advice from a Zelator continues. Magic wands of the Golden Dawn (source: Ceremonial Magic The concept of ceremonial magic only makes sense as long as it is the 'nothing' of someone. I have concluded my last entry in the series by indicating that 'doing nothing' is the essence of Magic. Now, depending on your progress on the path and your potential for Initiation, you may or may not be attracted to ceremonial magic. In any case, it should not be taken up like a task or duty. The point made by the Magical Theory is the futility of pain and boredom. Getting results from Magic and being inclined to it are one and the same thing. The common man knows it by heart that his struggles and joys will never leave him. For the initiated Zelator, his mind freed up from internal oppression, he needs to practice serenity in order to tune in ...

The Zelator - II

In this continuation of advice / confessions regarding the Zelator grade, I would like to thread upon some additional observances. Gas, 1940, E. Hopper (source: ) Loss of Meaning Meaning is a tricky subject. Some curse 'language' as the Devil. If language is the prison, meaning is the prisoner regime. Meaning is the series of complexes and crazies which bind humans to each other through abuse. In my previous post, I have mentioned a 'script' that is the source of communal life and that gets reinforced in social interactions. Meaning is the traumatic doctrination that gets pleasurable through compulsion. Belonging, duty, change, pride, etc. are some sort of binding complex that veils Truth from the ordinary mind. Don't get me wrong though, I am not peddling any Teaching. A wise man said: You can't teach anyone anything that they don't already know. So, if you are dutiful or a proud person, full of life and tears a...

The Zelator - I

Automat, by Edward Hopper (source: Wikimedia Commons) The Zelator Initiation is marked on the Tree of Life as 2=9, one counted from Malkuth and the other from Kether. It might be as well called the 'American Initation' as it necessarily points out to a very American way of feeling. One can see the Zelator in Hopper's paintings (any or most of them). It is a type of existence between being Here and Nowhere. The world of appetites is a step away, yet you feel like you have seen it all. That was the words of Tony Soprano (from the TV show Sopranos ) that he feels like the best is over. And, fate applies to both individuals and nations. I hypothesize that USA is the embodiment of Zelator in a nation. Could this be depression? In my opinion, trying to subvert your Zelator consciousness would cause mental health issues, but the feeling of cool distance hardly resembles an illness. The main problem of this grade is it is an incarnate grade. Hence, you are supposed to inhabit this ...

Self-harm and Depression

 Can you inflict harm upon yourself? No, that would hurt. The only way it would hurt less than your current situation is if your anger towards the world is hurting you more than how much you can hurt yourself. In an ideal world with everyone developed to their Spiritual potential, nobody will be sorry. However, it would be a world extremely prone to Judgment. In other words, everyone will be satisfied with the world but everyone will be living different lives however complementary to each other. Wholesale ambition, mobility, charity, etc. will be replaced by voluntary service to the Order. Until this phase is reached, there will be a lot of cruelty, shaming, hatred, disorder and injury. Bullies are people extremely prone to shame, people who judge are shown to have very low self-esteem, etc. Being hurt and hurting others is mankind's destiny until authenticity, individuality and SERVICE is achieved. Why Service? Service to whom? It is Service to the harmony inherent to human nature...

Life's Problems

*  You have a problem, and you seek a solution. A secondary problem is generally associated with the definition of the problem. Your tertiary problem is the inability to see that a well-defined problem is instantly solved. Then, a problem is just a mode of being. You are at the receiving end of both joy and pain with your own choice. Pain cannot be avoided without giving up on pleasure. Most think that there is a causal connection, e.g. the pleasure of drinking will cause the pain of hangover. This is not the mystical essence of being. The essence lies in the function of pleasure and function of pain operating through the same nervous channel, hence enjoying one always brings the other closer. Seek liberation, and fall in captivity. Buy new shoes and start sobbing for cartoon characters. The alternative is Death. Death well before the death of the body, if you are interested in any meaning. Karma dictates anything realize...

Self-Love and Self-Compassion

 The truth about self-love is that it is boring. A developed Spirit can access the Divine Light, and time wasted on recuperating from useless pursuits is a pity. The generative energy of Chaos is the source of the vegetable brain we get with our bodies. The real source of our existence is in Yetzirah, in its creative energy. Yet, the Spirit seeks comfort in vegetable life, to its detriment. There is a whole culture, history, and philosophical system between Truth and existence. 

True Will, The Demiurgos, Fallen Angels

Here are some observations regarding True Will. - Observing your True Will makes you stronger, doing otherwise will invite demons. - You cannot be who you Want to be, you can only be who you Will to be. You may want to become a Historian, a harmless and learned individual, or a Villain, lonely and hurtful. Neither is better than the other in the eyes of Providence. Your destiny is decided based on Transpersonal Values. Many successful men are not men of Learning but Men of Fortune.   - Your Will brings you closer to Happiness, Happiness opens up Truth before your eyes. - Higher Initiations do not make you happier. These are neither obligation nor ambition, but Nature. Only a Natural Man can escape Karma. Karma is the universal reaction to unrequited action. Initiations increase Karmic consequences, as well as rewards for Spirituality. - A Soul not enlightened by Divine Light will fall prey to Obsessions. - The Group Soul is not as easy as it appears to tear apart. Man has a ce...