The Zelator - II

In this continuation of advice / confessions regarding the Zelator grade, I would like to thread upon some additional observances.

Gas, 1940, E. Hopper (source:

Loss of Meaning

Meaning is a tricky subject. Some curse 'language' as the Devil. If language is the prison, meaning is the prisoner regime. Meaning is the series of complexes and crazies which bind humans to each other through abuse. In my previous post, I have mentioned a 'script' that is the source of communal life and that gets reinforced in social interactions. Meaning is the traumatic doctrination that gets pleasurable through compulsion. Belonging, duty, change, pride, etc. are some sort of binding complex that veils Truth from the ordinary mind. Don't get me wrong though, I am not peddling any Teaching. A wise man said: You can't teach anyone anything that they don't already know. So, if you are dutiful or a proud person, full of life and tears always ready at the back of your eyes to make them swell with compassion, be my guest. Indulge! The first initiation is to indulge. Indulge in the drama, the story, the ever-changing madness that is life! The Zelator is not tired of bullshit, he is excluded of it. Intelligence cannot conceal itself from introspection. Therefore, instead of judging the common man, we are here to discuss the reality facing the Zelator. 

Sigmund Freud with his daughter Anna who has been equally influential in the development of psychoanalysis. (source:

Magic: Superego, or Lack Thereof

Having made our first clarification that one is not supposed to 'kill the ego' and lose the pesky meaning unless it occurs naturally, we can proceed with the next clarification. Magic is a mode of life for Man who is stranded between the two worlds of intention and application. Magic is somewhere in between. It is the sum of all applications of The Will that bring Joy after the drama phase is gone. Magic is indulgence in oneself, but not introspection. It is more like a preoccupation with self. The most important thrusting force is the necessary disappointment with the world regarding malleability. The Zelator is born with high intelligence and a power to see through wrongdoing. He can master social life very fast, but cannot obtain anything valuable comparable to his abilities. It is a necessary step in life that he witnesses the superficiality of everyday life. Light cannot penetrate to the life of the masses. There is a director, and a stage, and non-initiated men are happy dramatists. They are puppets, but immensely pleased being so. Freud has studied all sorts of Superego drives, defense mechanisms, etc. He made an error in considering the Superego as an introjected object of the primary care-giver. In my esoteric thinking, Superego is destiny. Freud also confesses that parental behavior and Superego development in individuals do not necessarily correlate. A child with harsh parents can develop a liberal character, and vice versa. Of course, Freud attributes this -scientifically- to the subjective perception of the child which has possible distortions. I attribute, especially Superego, to some divine conditioning. If it is not G-d himself, it is the Devas, Archangels, or discarnate Masters. Therefore, there is something sustainable and pleasurable in the human mind which is not essentially to his benefit. Now, a lack of inhibitions by the Superego makes a charismatic and lively person. In my opinion, a complete absence of Superego makes an Initiate, from birth, as a mandate, and as a force of fate. 'Amor fati' said Nietzsche, still embroiled in drama. I have some conviction that Nietzsche was visited by a higher intelligence to inspire him towards a magical career, but the 19th century philosopher was too much attached to materialism to let it go. I think he 'suffered' from the same condition of having no Superego to answer internally, though he might have attributed this to his own existentialist thinking. I attribute such disconnection from society to a Destiny decided upon birth. To understand Magic fully requires understanding the influence of Superego at its entirety. Desires, disappointments, habits, joy, memories, pretty much everything in the brain can be a sly shadow posing as the Self. Here, it is important to give credibility to the possibility that Man is a creation of the brain, something perpetuated through generations through conditioning. Hence, the True Will is also a purer will that is Spirit in Action. However, the Spirit may not be as pure as we are inclined to think. 

Why Souls Descend into Matter?

There are various theories about the necessity of reincarnation. Some of these concern the evolution of the Spirit, some of them concern the evolution of the Soul. The ones which concern the evolution of Spirit connect mundane Life to the enrichment of Spirit and in turn to the satisfaction of G-d. My main objection to this scheme of Reincarnation is that I cannot think of my pain as an illusion or temporal thing. I am highly convinced that mundane pain is the pain of spirit. Then, Karma, justice or whatever is actually punishing or rewarding the Spirit. The other view on Reincarnation that considers Soul as the final product sees the evolution scheme as a progressive way the ideal Soul is built by the Spirit. Once this is achieved, the Spirit has a permanent reflection on the world, and can effectively turn upon itself as the phase of sensations is over. That also concerns the whole of Society, and the End of Times will be the Spiritual World where everyone is constantly on an Astral journey and their actions on Earth are semi-conscious and automated - with the help of Astral beings. 

I have given thought to Reincarnation for a long time and came to the conclusion that any evolution scheme only makes sense if the Spirit itself is Evil. Why believe in the suggestion that we are Fallen Angels, while we could as well be Cursed Demons? Maybe, we are captive in this world by an innovation of a Higher Intelligence to protect the integrity of higher planes from the banality of us? Maybe our willpower is subverted by a Machine that is propelled by our own wrongdoing? Aren't we hamsters on wheels drowning on our own spite? If we are brutally honest to ourselves, it is easy to see that civilization is 99% a sublimation of anger, not love. However, being dissociated from drama is not the end of it. A new practice, namely Magic, needs to fill it. 

The Wizard of Oz (1939)


There is Karma, because we are Evil, but also misguided. We exist in a 'The Matrix' like virtual reality that will guide us to Redemption through conditioning. I am not very sure who is chosen to take the Initiations, on what grounds, and leading to which prospects. It is logical that the Machine will run for a very long time and there is no reason to be allowed an exit. What could be the reason some of us are suddenly barred from engagement to the Machine? It might be the maturity of one's Love that they might start living off the illusion without providing any energy. It could also be that different streams of energy like the alpha, omega, theta waves are needed to sustain the System. Whatever the reasons, Karma operates on the principle of pleasure. One cannot reach anything through pain and suffering. His destiny is paved with pleasure, but it takes courage to accept your pleasures. A first step would be to cease taking into the mind as much bullshit as possible with the hope of defeating the System. Knowledge can never free a Soul. There is the initiation phase when the individual seeks knowledge, but only to be disillusioned by it. There is a good deal of enjoying the moment and seeking spiritual lore. As mentioned, pleasure is the first step in knowing oneself. Many people forego pleasure to seek a bigger part in the World only to be depressed. You can't complain about anhedonia if you disallow yourself the very thing you seek. The Zelator has the obligation to have faith. Keep your books open for Providence to enter new assets. There is satisfaction for everyone who has Faith. 


There is no logic in thinking that an illusion could be imperfect, except for the simulant being Evil. I have a conviction that we are born into consciousness with all the potential for satisfaction that we crave. It is almost something we are born into. The biggest obstacle in achieving satisfaction is judgement. Judgment is profoundly evil and aggressive. It is probably one of the biggest evils of the Spirit. Judgment, dissatisfaction, greed, etc. are all tied. It is the Spirit that wants a bigger chunk of the illusion without even considering the possibility that it is an illusion.  


There is Pain until there is no possibility of Pain. One cannot escape painful experiences if it is in their destiny. Initiation issues a call for the Soul and the Soul is helpless in obeying the order. It might be a friend, some false book on self-help, a misplaced counsel, or a parent. Somehow you will go through everything that you will have to go through. If you are a reserved type, as generally the case with individuals born into Initiation destiny, don't bother with mistakes, regrets, bewilderment. You can only escape the things that are not essential. Some things, you will experience multiple times to come to terms with the reality of Pain. You will have to change your perspective, vision, programming... Don't forget that your everyday life is supposed to take a very smooth shape before you can enjoy your native consciousness. Anger is especially important. You should understand that anger is Evil and requires taming. Therefore, you need to stay away from angry people. The calm ones will love you and learn to better themselves. Otherwise, you are a magnet for envy, cruelty and hate. But, the biggest task ahead is to conform to your destiny which will bring every protection your way. Meddling in the world causes disaster. 

Is Free Will the Boundary of Magic?

There is no such thing as Free Will. Most men live an Elemental Life, like puppets governed by Natural Spirits. These men are not open to Divine Light. Yet, they love their convictions to be challenged, because that is how they can steal others' light. They have their mechanical rules to preserve their ignorant captivity. On the other hand, the Zelator is completely free, yet totally alone. Rather than indulging his elemental needs, he finds himself ostracized, oppressed, rejected and disowned. The moment one claims individuality, a big part of mundane life leaves him. If he examines himself thoroughly, he will find out he was never part of the Mass from the beginning. If he lets elemental Spirits leak into his Soul, he will find Pain multiplying as a response. Pleasure, sensation together oppose Intelligence. As mentioned in the first post (The Zelator - I), Pain and Pleasure operate through the same channel. The world can be programmed by detachment. No matter what you are surrounded by, you can end up in the desert. Things just never balance each other out, the signal gets distorted at some level. Your life gets better at the moment you stop caring. 


There is no way out of servitude for Man, except after a long journey of initiations. The Higher Genius is a loving Spirit, but lays out many rules and guidelines. For those extremely Evil and impure Spirits, he has devised The World, which is a dark pile of bullshit that can't be enjoyed by any but the lowest of Spirits. Numerically, The World probably still entertains 999 of every 1000 Spirits. The admission is a two-way deal, on the Spirit side sufficient lack of accounting will make sure a cycle of guilt-envy-anxiety-depression will persist. On the Watchers' side, they should sufficiently hate the admitted to sentence him to unconscious perpetuity. These are essentially two sides of the same coin. For the Zelator, captivity is changed with Service. Service is in a nutshell the minimization of Life to the essentials. The Zelator cannot sustain mental balance without following his gut feeling, appetite, his actual Will. Everything temporal, uninspired, habitual should leave him. He is assisted in the process with excruciating mental pain followed by every attempt of his to claim worldliness. Whatever his Life will be, will be decided by Magic. Magic is the causation of certain effects through adherence to a seemingly irrelevant routine. For example, the Zelator might be destined for being very rich but in order to realize this The World needs him to be completely idle. In this example, a- The Zelator is already barred from 'desire', so getting rich can only be his 'True Will', his wish that is concealed from himself, b- He finds satisfaction only in idleness. Note here the double character of servitude that a destiny is assigned to the Self but the mechanics is hidden. Magic is not the application of supernatural forces to mundane ends, but the affirmation of the Higher Genius no matter the test. The test is when the Zelator is trusted some form of power that can make his Self free to reign. Money, authority, attraction, etc. can derail the initiatic process. The Zelator can use such powers to corrupt the World in the sense that its destiny does not follow. This corruption is very different from classical moral corruption. Charity can derail the Zelator if his destiny is indifference. Serving the Higher Genius requires the negation of common morality, but He himself does not require open challenges to the society. This makes sense as the common Man cannot entertain any thought that might disrupt his mindless spin around the mundane imbecility. The Zelator can fight the Watchers, but the Higher Genius always takes the side of Watchers. Elements of psychiatry and basic empathy constitute fights with the Watchers. It takes much love and personal resources to battle the complexes of others. There is some sense of escapism in the mental patient or the disordered character that cannot admit and fight its own evil. Empathy is an act of playing G-d, elevating a hopeless Soul by simulating His generosity. 

Black Magic

In the case of Zelator with mundane power, actions amounting to Black Magic is possible. The Black Magician opens up a chasm in the mundane life to satisfy his desires, thereby giving Divine Light to the service of the Elementals. He derails the evolutionary march of the Spiritual Hierarchy. In this, Satan (666) guides him. This lower Deity has power over the Elementals and he can protect the Black Magician from Pain while he indulgences in actions that will corrupt and damage many Souls. Black Magicians are knowledgeable in raising energy for their charisma or good fortunes, but do not seek Spirituality. There is nothing to be learned from these mundane types, except for the fact that they are using a sacred source for their selfish benefit. Being occupied by Black Magic is the Second Illusion that is governed by Satan. The mindset is one of selfishness, recklessness and corruption. The evil yogi is one who can objectify himself against the possibility of gaining spiritual advancement. 

Last words of advice for this chapter of 'The Zelator': Find your 'nothing', and do nothing!


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