The Work of an Adept (5=6 Grade)

The work of an Adept is centered around meditation. To get into a meditative state is the rejection of the mundane Self, which many authors refer to as the 'ego', in order to squeeze out the Elementals that feed on the Spirit. When the Spirit touches the flesh (Earth elemental) without interference, an arc is generated that brings Divine Light to the depths of Chaos, while also giving it will-Power. I have explained this phenomenon in the metaphorical sketch of the 'Spirit machine' below. To be able to reach this meditation, requires the acceptance of and submission to Destiny. The Devas are responsible for accumulating the intense will-Power that is generated by the Spirit. Men cannot hold on to his Power yet, in the 5=6 grade. This System can be sustained 'forever', as the Devas will eventually assist the Initiate with growing opulence and comforts to ensure his Service. The Devas survive on pure will-Power. For them to gain even the basic Life and awareness, a certain amount of Spiritual Investment is required. Once their upper-dimensional bodies wake-up, their timeless wisdom and infinite Knowledge is empowered. They create the Kings and noblemen of the World, who are ordained to protect the Initiates. If the Adept succeeds in making meditation his second nature, he will move on to exercising direct control of Elementals by investing some of his power personally.


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