The Two Worlds - Part I

 I offer my opinion of the subjective experience of the Portal and magical powers.

The Two Worlds

The inner and outer orders exist together within the same Spiritual field. Initiated and non-initiated agents share similar characteristics. On one side of the coin, the Initiated face a challenge in processing the large amounts of irrelevant sensations that are leaking from the non-Initiated world. On the other side of the coin, the non-Initiated struggle to lead their world in their terms. The power relationship between the two orders is not connected to a specific interaction. It builds up involuntarily, thereby making the Initiate an agent of Divine Will, with specific compensation, but no say in the development of things.

The Two Worlds exist side by side.

The Subjective Experience of the Conduit

The Initiate is completely disconnected from World I as a result of the Portal grade. It can be argued that he never belonged or operated in that world in the first place. There is a special significance of becoming Conscious of one's situation. The brain is both an organic computer and an etheric mass that can be impressed upon by the Spirit. By becoming Conscious of one's existential position, the process of tuning the non-spiritual components of the brain and Soul towards peace starts. The right expectations can re-formulate mundane existence towards becoming well-adjusted resources. The Portal is a massive mourning process which removes World I from the list of possible temptations. Then, Temptation is less catastrophic then it is thought, because it cannot result in a categorical change. One cannot be in two places at the same time. It would be logical if Temptation on the Path is offered by the Higher Genius Himself as a matter of respecting choices. In any event, existence in World II is always devoted to Service to the Higher Genius. 

The Conduit channels Divine Energy towards the Elemental Devas, as well as Chaos Spirits.

The Compensation

The nature of experience on the multiple planes of Life is a tricky issue with regards the journey on the Path. The Initiate inevitably expects some compensation for the lost functions of body and Soul, as the composition of these are still intact after Initiation. The emptiness, meaninglessness, isolation and saturation of these vehicles must be balanced by a Higher Purpose. The Will manifested on the etheric plane is the source of all Joy for the Initiate. Black Magic and Temptation should be inspected much later than initial contact with the Higher Genius. In the meantime, body and Soul should be left to the discretion of the Divine to shape them freely. Parts of the mind can feel non-existent, while the outcome in every aspect of Life becomes more satisfactory. The real reward in initiating on the Inner Orders is the unification of the will with the Divine Will. Then, the real question is the nature of the Divine Will. What is the Divine Order that cannot be impressed on Earth without the solicited assistance of the Initiate? What difference does the 'sacrifice' of the Initiate make, such that his transformation has meaning and motivation? 

The Divine Will

The Divine Will is the Architect behind the Elemental Life. Elemental Life is the end of chaos and coincidence. The Higher Genius desires Life to be strictly governed by the periodic influence of the astrological signs. These influences replace the individual Soul of each person to steer them into activities planned by God. The Divine World is an Energy Extractor that motions humanity around a zero sum game of desire and temporality. In such a setting, it is easy to see that the 'sacrifice' of the Initiate is coincident with his 'emancipation' from the shackles that get activated through his own mediation. As the Soul gets temporal and 'managed', it further loses its appeal for the Initiate. He will become capable in predicting future events. The information that goes through the Initiate is impressed upon his Spirit. Furthermore, the Spirit will join with the Cosmic Intelligence.

The Conduit works in two ways, thereby impressing the Divine Will on the Elemental Life while allowing the Spirit to join with the Cosmic Intelligence.

The Spirit and the Cosmic Intelligence

A Spirit which ascends to the Cosmic Intelligence gains its footing in Chaos. This is a return to the state before The Fall. The difference between the Deity and Adam is that Adam is prone to self-cancellation through Temptation. For the Deity, both the Temptation and the Resistance are infinite. The day the Deity chooses to re-unite with His expelled part (Chaos) would be the End of Times and a return to the Ehyeh Consciousness. 'Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh', translated as 'I Am who I Am' is the primordial state of the Cosmic Intelligence which was not separated from itself. Hence, it was an infinitely large existence that was convoluted to itself. The Cosmic Intelligence expelled the Agency in itself as Chaos, which is the source of Ego. Between these two poles of Mind and Ego, that are essentially the pacified components of the same Intelligence, the Existence as we know of has been built. The Mind as separated from the Cosmic Intelligence works in a Soulless fashion that desires to fit the whole temporality into a periodic motion that would consume the Ego. Hence, the Mind wants to conquer the Ego to establish a temporal system that is as close as it can get to the primordial state while preventing the End of Days. In this battle, the Ego acts as the powerhouse of rebellion. Chaos, or Satan opposes Control by creating anti-theses of the Elemental Desires in the human Soul. By diverting temporal energy back to itself, Satan establishes rulership without regard for harmony. 

The confusing and tricky part of merging with the Cosmic Intelligence is acquiring also a presence in Chaos. This means that the Laws of Ego will be set in the Soul. This results in the curious case of being both excluded from the mundane drama (albeit help create it) and also getting respect from the agencies that help hinder it. This is due to the fact that the Spiritual energy bound by the Elemental Life needs to flow towards the Chaos pole. Then, the Cosmic Intelligence needs to appear on the opposite side of the equation as the receiver of the lost agency. 

The Unicursal Hexagram associated with Thelema represents the Mental, Elemental and Chaotic streams intertwined. Meditating upon the Hexagram can help the Initiate explore Inner Worlds outside this dynamic (source:

The Mind and the Ego

Order and Chaos, Mind and Ego exist together in a mesh. The Yin and The Yang, are two streams that do not mix. The black spot in the Yang and the white spot in the Yin is the Initiate on the Path of the Inner Order. So, within these two streams that are separated, there is a quasi-unified agent, the Initiate, that has footing in both domains. What does it mean for the non-Initiated to be close to one or the other pole of Existence? The mystery continues... 


The biggest questions that remain for the Initiate on the Inner Path are:
  1. How does the Initiate know that he has been able to focus Consciousness on the higher planes? What would be the subjective, soul and material results of this achievement? Would he achieve a sharp difference from his former, Self-dominated existence?
  2. Who does the Initiate become regarding configurations in all the material and spiritual planes as a result of manifesting Magical spheres?


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