Magic and Socialism

Following the Ritual lifestyle will eventually land the aspirant in the Inner Order. In this post, I comment about the nature of Consciousness in the Inner Order. Affinity and Analysis Few mindsets can hold in the face of analysis, and this is more so for the Mind of the aspirant traversing the Inner Order paths. It is very probable that the junior Magician will start identifying himself with ideologies, historical movements, or beliefs that might contradict with his reason. It is even possible that he will end up with sympathies towards thoughts systems that are inherently materialistic and anti-spiritual. Hence, I chose the heading. On the surface, the Magician will be surprised to feel attracted towards distracting and non-magical concepts. However, by now he can distinguish between petty zeal and the directives coming from the Higher Genius. Therefor, he is supposed not to analyse his situation or try to reconcile opposites. The unity of reasoning can only be achieved once all the ...