I offer my opinions on the hidden traps surrounding the definition of Adepthood by various authors.
Adepthood: What to Expect
An important aspect of Adepthood is to be able to keep the mind's focus on the Path. It is easy to feel that one is on the Path if contact with the Higher Genius is sustained. However, one cannot help himself but also read some literature on the subject. Various authors present accounts of Adepthood. If the Initiate uses these definitions to gauge his position on the Path, he may be lead astray. I have identified two very questionable traits attributed to an Adept as:
a) Personal magnetism
b) Sixth sense
Both of these traits, in my opinion, are misleading. There is no logical obligation to develop either of these as one reaches Adepthood. Reaching 5=6 Grade is characterized by submission to the Higher Genius and leading a life agreeable to both the lower and the higher natures of Man. Also, one's life gets determined by Destiny which is only known to the Causal Ego. The lower nature or Soul becomes a servant of the wishes of the Ego. Depending on the type of life mission bestowed upon the Adept, the Higher Genius may lend this or that skill to him. As a result, neither of the above mentioned common traits may develop in a specific Adept.
I believe that being an Adept means becoming a bridge between our world (Assiah) and the higher World (Yetzirah). What the Higher World wishes to Create in the lower world cannot be categorized strictly. An Adept is generally described as someone who will become a spiritual teacher, a fortune teller, author of esoteric books, etc. I believe these expectations are limiting and may derail the development of an Adept who tries to constrain himself to these patterns. I propose a more general and more fundamental trait of an Adept as: A clear exit from the Mundane Drama. Almost like a disability. The Adept is ostracized no matter what, and cannot take part in the usual Life. His attempts to become a mundane person, be it socially, at work, or with family always causes him Pain. He is neither depressed nor lethargic, but he is decisively finished with the World. What follows from this point on is up to the Higher Will. Therefore, the Adept should keep an open mind and should not measure his success on the Path with his ability to make friends (a) or possession of supernatural powers (b). It may take years before the Adept is ready to make a move according to the Higher Will. Until then, he may feel inclined to be immobile. What distinguishes the immobility of an Adept from the immobility of a common Man is his Joy and feelings of Security in doing so.
Is Magic as we know of relevant to every Adept in every age? (source:
Adepthood is an attainment of the Consciousness and its secondary effects on the Initiate's lifestyle, character traits, and fortune can vary indefinitely. I am not sure if every Adept needs to study Magic even. Ability to do nothing in an age of Digital Frivolities should be Magic enough. Also, for those who have 'graduated' from the World, slightest advances from others with kindness would be Magical.
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