The Inner Order of the Golden Dawn

My opinions about the Inner Order of the Golden Dawn Achievement or Appointment? The Inner Order beyond the 5=6 (Adept) grade is the powerhouse of the World. It is the contact space of the Higher Influence over the rest of the humanity. In the psyche, progress on the path in the Inner Order corresponds to merging with the Archetypes of the unconscious. What the Initiate can demand from the Higher Genius during contact with Him is by definition just the sustenance of the meditation. One can only pretend to have any mundane desires while in the presence of Him. Therefore, there is no straightforward method of Black Magic whereby the Initiate uses his elevated consciousness to satisfy his Lower Desires. This could only be possible if the elevated consciousness is achieved through unnatural effort. Then, as a reward and encouragement for spirituality, the Higher Genius might show benediction. That would actually be a pleasant way to reject the aspirant until he steers his spirituality...