The Art of Living

 My opinion about navigating Life as an Initiate

The Source of Error

The Source of Wisdom is a grand and mystical subject. We can include psychoanalysis, Kabbalah, and life itself in our list of Masters. Even if you were illiterate, Life would speak to you through the reactions of people, your unalterable place in the society, your talents, your motivations, etc. There are various mechanisms through which you will be directed to happiness and satisfaction in Life. When you are living the divinely ordained lifestyle, you will have immense power to tackle obstacles, a lot of good moods, patience and Love. In opposition to all these positive factors, there are also mechanisms which are pushing you towards Error. Error will cause you misery, confusion, pain, anger, and desperation. Some of the actions that will put you in the way of Error are:

  • Comparing yourself to others, ignorance of destiny
  • Believing in absolute freedom and the power of reason
  • Taking unsolicited advice
  • Guilt from the necessary conflicts in Life
The list can be expanded, but the main theme is 'the ignorance of destiny'. As long as we see ourselves as a Free Agent in a world of opportunities, we will always compare ourselves to others, be prone to taking stupid advice, feel guilty about rejecting/abandoning people with no place in our Destiny, and unnecessarily burden our minds with psychological theories, future plans, life coaching, and personal development. 

If, on the contrary, we perceive ourselves as an agent of Destiny:
  • We would never compare ourselves to others
  • We would never stop enjoying Life
  • We would never overthink conflict or other negative situations
  • We would not waste our time in 'achieving' things through advice, coaching, etc., but focus only on our immediate skills and strengths.
  • We would not try to change what others think of us, as we would know the world is not rational.

The Veil in Front of Destiny

In our modern age, Destiny has lost its meaning and popularity. It is amazing that such a powerful force in Life could be obliterated by the tried and tested fallacies of Reason. This fact suggests that human Soul has a counter agent that produces signals of jealousy, struggle, wilfulness, action, and rebellion. However, it is not very convincing to claim that Humanity today is evading Destiny. Then, another explanation is that the author belongs to a minority whose Destiny is veiled from Him until a moment comes that his whole Destiny becomes Knowledge.

Such Spirits are given the task of educating lower classes of Consciousness and perfecting them according to Divine Will. Family, friends, company, nation... Their very presence writes the Divine Law on the heart of other Spirits, so that no Magna Carta will be needed in Paradise. The confusion, search, despair, isolation... None of them are wasted. Every moment brings the Spiritual Order closer to its goal of saving the world. When the task if unknown it is carried out with greater effect. As the body and the mind tires, taking life easy becomes more dominant. Magic on Earth cannot save the Paradise, because there is no Magic in Paradise. Hence, the Initiate is either a Magician or happy. Most Magic is performed before the Magician is even aware of it.

'The Magician' - Tarot card

The Fall of the Magician

The Magician becomes an official Magician after losing His Magic. It is the Fall of the Magician that makes him aware of his powers, condition, identity and potential. Love and understanding flows forth from the Magician until he comes to the awareness of his real surroundings. From the active, now he turns to passive. Instead of heart, he lives for the eye. He observes, he waits, he rejects. He seeks order, power, security, and authority. His Life still lacks any meaning but His Existence is justified. He is living the second part of the Ritual. He had given up Paradise to create the Agents of Divinity, and his task will continue with new motivations and agents. He had descended to wilderness to set new forces into motion. Now, he is seeking maturity and rest. The supply of force will hereafter be used to open the gates of Paradise back to the Magician and end his Exile. He will serve his fair share to strengthen the columns carrying the Paradise and will rest there once the task is over. 


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