The Goal of Magic
I share my opinion about the goals of Magic.
Why Spirits Descend into Matter?
Apparently, for various reasons. It is reasonable to assume that the Spirit is well aware that other Men may not be able to synergise towards the Spiritual Goal. Then, we can expect the True Will to be immune to Qliphotic influences. Actually, some writers argue that the Tree of Life extended to higher planes in the Jacob's Ladder is bound to convolute on itself. This means that the ruling Intelligence behind the forces of Chaos is nothing other than the Higher God himself. This also implies that Divine Intelligence is everything and everywhere. Now, in this scheme Man is ought to be a reflection of this in the Microcosmos. Therefore, our mind might be focused on a certain Sefira (Kabbalah), but truly it is pervading everything. In this regard, Spirit might be thought of as a Circuit which craves the Ecstasy of completion. The Magician shall never think of himself as a lonely agent in a sea of awkwardness. When Consciousness is elevated to its divinely ordained level, spiritual energy will flow uninterrupted through this level. Thus, the True Will is really the pre-destined focus of the mind. This focus will feed itself through the Shadow Mind behind the scenes. Hence, Magic is really giving mandate to the Shadow which is not a supernatural force, but the purified Unconscious of the Magician. From this point of view, Spirits never ascend or descend but sustain an existence in multiple levels.
There can be several things deducted about Magic from the above theory. First of all, Magic is supposed to be easy. There should be no effort. However, one needs to be decisive and strong. Also, one needs to seek Joy instead of a mundane plan. If you are happy in an entry level job, do not seek promotion for the sake of it. If you do not feel like taking a trip, don't take a trip. You are actually doing everything possible all the time through your inaccessible consciousness in other planes. Your duty is to bring Harmony to your Infinite Consciousness by focusing your mind to a particular aspect of it. You should let go of everything and seek the Ecstatic experience. An important ingredient of such experience is to isolate the experience from all the implications of it regarding self-image, life plan, etc. Naturally, we are not condoning anything that would hurt or harm the Magician. We are more interested in eliminating anxiety, such as 'I should have been doing so and so, because it is more proper'. You should seek being yourself while having an average life, because the Spirit never aims for the body or Soul to suffer. Being open-minded, free-spirited helps. Prudence and curiosity mindset are also useful. One should test himself and adopt new behaviours gradually. Life gets brighter as you converge to your Spiritual Will, and gets terrifying and awful as you stray away from it. This is the final implication: Do not expect anything to come out of numbness, recklessness, negative gut feeling, or sustained strife.
Everyone and everything are working to realize your goal. Chaos characters do it unconsciously. Elemental characters do it willingly. And, Initiates advise you on how to be. Imagine the condition where everything falls to its proper place. The Magician lives in total harmony with his surroundings. There is nothing adverse or wrong. Think of your mind as a radio antenna and seek the wavelength that will place everything in your life into a beautiful mosaic. Tune to that place which fills you with love, patience, understanding, and joy. Feel the pervading Intelligence like a Spiritual landscape and flow though its clefts into the pool of Love that is ordained for you.
A Word on the Adversary
You should blame yourself for everything, but not in the sense that you take the 'responsibility'. You should blame yourself in the sense that you have infinite power to change your Life if you ever put your mind to it. When it comes to Chaos, the mindless imitation of intelligence, the narcissists, sociopaths and infantile characters who have entered your life, it happened for a reason. On the slider scale of Jacob, you cannot last too long in the wrong position. You will be pushed, shoved, and re-instated. The Shadow is as selfish as you are and it will seek its own independence. Hence, every moment your Soul is focused on the wrong aspect, you are making yourself vulnerable to big problems. Where you focus your mind will also define your Shadow. The Shadow is the Magic, the Magician is the focus.
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