Ascent vs. Integration

In the practice of Spirituality, 99% of the focus is on the phenomenon of Ascent, whereby the individual learns to comprehend higher truths and develops a connection with his Spirit. The connection with Spirit makes the Aspirant strong, self-absorbed, somewhat reckless, and truly individual. On the other hand, such illumination does not persistently create satisfaction. The mundane life will eventually suffer if Integration or grounding practices are not introduced. Ascent in a Free Age An individual's connection with their Spirit is in fact very hard to conceal. Large social systems, like the medieval oppression by the Church, are required to effect it. Individuals should be filled with extreme fear, shame, and guilt, while intellectual freedom is suppressed. Only in such very restrained conditions, individuals will be effectively disconnected from their Spirit. In our age, in contrast, freedom, individuality, intellectual life are very much developed. As a result, through various...